Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I. Want. Food.

I woke up very hungry this morning, the last day of treatment for my stomach bugs. My appetite is back and boy, does it feel good.

Usually we have the ´breakfast´the hostel includes with the price of night's lodging. It is typically two pieces of bread, some jam and butter and tea or powdered coffee. (Real coffee is hard to come by in these parts. I had a headache for a week before I weaned myself off my morning cup of Joe.)

I woke up earlier than Carmen and just as soon as she opened her eyes I announced that I was going in search of a breakfast. A real breakfast. Before leaving the hostel I ate a Power Bar I had stashed in my pack. I walked into the nearest restaurant on the plaza and promptly ordered eggs, toast, and a cappuccino- all of which I practically inhaled.

Carmen and I visited all kinds of sights in town, but for me the real focus of the day was food. As soon as we'd finish one activity I'd say to her, "I want an ice cream...another breakfast...chips...or a pre-dinner". I have eaten more today than I have eaten in the last few days combined.

It's good to feel healthy again. I'm looking forward to my second dinner - and dessert!

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